Wednesday 31 August 2016

30 Days of Watercolour - Japanese Summer Collection

My Japanese Summer Collection

Yesterday was a big day for me, I completed the 30 Days of Watercolour challenge!
I've been blown away by the amazing support and encouragement I've received throughout this project. I can't express how thankful I am for that. I've absolutely loved sharing my watercolours everyday and I thank everyone who was kind enough to join me on this 30 day journey!

I encourage you to keep an eye out, I have more plans and ideas that I wish to explore and can't wait to get start on them. In the mean time I've compiled all 30 watercolours in one image, feel free to select the days which interest you on the side bar for more information.

I've learned so much on this project! I have amazing friends who were kind enough to share their experiences and knowledge with me. Jessica, Desirae and Chris, thank you!

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